Planning Tools

Personal Balance Sheet
Download this excel file and create your own personal balance sheet and get a clear picture of your finances. This includes your Income and Expenses as well as your Assets and Liabilities.
I Recommend

Best Short-term Savings Plan
Build your wealth quickly with this 5-year savings plan (Regular investment plan). This is arguably the best short-term savings plan available in the U. A. E. It has a wide range of low-cost index funds to invest in, with good flexibility to stop/start your investments as per your convenience.

Best College / Retirement Savings Plan
Secure your child's future with this Capital + Returns Guaranteed savings plan (Regular investment plan). This is arguably the best capital guaranteed savings plan available in the U. A. E. It invests in the S&P500 (Top 500 stocks in the US stock market) with the ability to automate your savings plan using credit/debit cards.

Investment Product Reviews
Read my reviews of popular investment products available in the U. A. E. This includes ratings and Pros and Cons as well.