Generali Vision is currently the most expensive regular savings plan in the market.
Latest Update (January 2019) : Assicurazioni Generali UAE, is not accepting anymore business from clients in the U.A.E.
The Generali Vision UAE savings plan is a unit-linked, regular premium, whole of life assurance plan. It is designed for medium to long-term regular saving. To maximise its potential you should pay your premiums for the entire premium payment term selected.
Vision UAE is brought to you by Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. (Generali) in the UAE. Generali is registered under UAE Federal Law No. 6 of 2007 and regulated by the Insurance Authority.
Generali Vision used to be one of the cheapest 5-year savings plans in the market. Now, the new version has increased charges, and it becomes an expensive savings plan in the market.
Minimum Contributions & Investment Terms
Minimum Contributions - USD 300 per month / USD 3,600 per year (for terms of 10 years and longer), and USD 750 per month, for 5 year terms.
The Vision Savings Plan offers the following terms - 5 years and above.
Capital Protection
The Vision Savings Plan is not ‘Capital Protected’ regardless of the term selected.
If you are looking for ‘Capital Protected’ Savings Plans, read this review - Investors Trust S&P500 Index Review.
Investment Options (Where the money can be invested)
The Vision Savings Plan offers around 250 odd mutual funds to choose from.
These funds are from some of the top fund managers in the world. All the funds offered in this savings plan are direct funds (cheaper than mirror funds).
Administration Fee - Where a Premium Payment Term of less than ten years is selected, administration fee is 2.75% p.a. of total premiums due till year five, and 2% p.a. of total premiums due till year 10.
Bid/Offer Spread - 0 to 2% (difference between the buying and selling price of funds)
Policy Charge - USD 4.5 per month
Yearly Management Charge - 0.5 to 3% per annum - this charge is based on the policy value and will be deducted on a monthly basis.
Generali Vision savings plan offers bonuses enhanced allocation on each premium, based on the total amount of annual premium paid.
The simplest way to understand charges is to see what you would end up with - at a certain level of monthly contribution, and assumed growth rate, and net of all product charges. See the section below.
What you would end up with if:
You save - USD 1,000 per month, for 5 years,
You paid - USD 60,000 in 5 years,
You get at the end of the term - USD 64,451 with an assumed growth rate of 8% (net of charges)
What an actual quote looks like:
Click on the images below to magnify them.
Jurisdiction - (Where your money is held)
Generali International is based in Guernsey in the Channel Islands, one of the most respected and well regulated international finance centres in the worldd
The Guernsey jurisdiction protects investors by guarantee at least 90% of the liabilities of insurance companies in Guernsey should they go bankrupt.
Would I buy this savings plan myself, and recommend to others?
Disclaimer: This article is assumed to be accurate at the time of publishing, and represents the personal opinion of the author. If you wish to correct/contest any of the following, please do so in the comments below. I am open to correcting errors if any.
All opinions are welcome.